Grand piano action and regulation and practice go hand in hand when it comes to playing a grand piano with great perfection and fineness. Unless the inner playing mechanism or the ‘action’ of your piano is properly adjusted, you will never be able to get that clear note, that subtlety, which gives your performance the degree of excellence.
Piano regulation revolves around adjustments/repairs of the mechanical aspect of a piano. The adjustment-work is undertaken to rectify the effects of wear and tear, dimensional changes in the wooden and woolen parts due to humidity, compacting and settling of cloth and felt.
Piano Regulation is usually divided into three steps depending on the systems – action, trap work and damper system. The action system transfers the action of the fingers pressing the keys to the hammers, which in turn strike the strings to produce the sound; adjusting this whole ‘action’ ensures that the full cycle is completed flawlessly. Adjusting the trap work system means synchronizing pedal-action with piano action and regulation and the adjustment of the damper system ensures that the string-vibrations stop the moment a key is released.
The Grand piano is a complex mechanism with each individual key having over 25 points of adjustment. All these points/parts must work in unison, to give the desired quality note. If you have used piano, you will know how responsiveness of your action is very vital for playing it with great alacrity. Regulation does exactly that, making Grand Piano action smooth; with no sticking keys, no stiff pedals and uneven feel, you will enjoy playing the piano. The clarity of the notes minus all those squeaks and clicks and buzzes will enable you give the most melodic rendition.
Regulation also ensures that your Grand piano is capable of producing a wide dynamic range. Our Piano needs fine adjustments of piano action and regulation, particularly if you are living in Melbourne, to respond to your subtle touches and create the magic of music.